Registration is now open, please register before the 25th March via this form and pay for the registration using this link.

Abstract submission remains open for poster presentations here.

MODES 2025

Mode Observations Determine Earth Structure

65 years after the first observations of normal modes from the Chile earthquake, normal mode seismology continues to play a crucial role in illuminating the interior of the Earth and other planets. New theoretical and computational developments now facilitate full-spectrum analyses, while improve long-period sensors provide crisper observations. These advances pave the way for new studies of Earth's elastic and anelastic structure and thus insights into its dynamics and evolution.

This meeting aims to bring together researchers from all aspects of normal mode seismology; researchers that develop new theory and computational methods, those that work on new long-period instrumentation and observations and researchers who utilise long-period data across different applications.

Confirmed invited speakers

  • Sevan Adourian (Brown University) - full-spectrum inversion
  • Hom Nath Gharti (Queen's University) - SEM modelling
  • Philippe Lognonne (IPGP Paris) - normal modes on Mars
  • Alex Myhill (University of Cambridge): Normal mode coupling in an aspherical planet
  • Adam Ringler (USGS): Improved Resolution in Low-Frequency Seismology
  • Barbara Romanowicz (UC Berkeley) - Earth structure
  • Severine Rosat (University of Strasbourg) - gravimetry for normal modes
  • Sujania Talavera Soza (Utrecht University) - constraining anelasticity
  • Meeting details

    • Dates: Monday 31st March and Tuesday 1st April 2025.
    • Location: Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3AN.
    • Dinner: A workshop dinner will take place on the evening of the 31st March at Al-Shami, a Lebanese restaurant about 15 min walk from the Department.


    There is a £50 registration fee that will be used to cover lunch and refreshments on both days, while the workshop dinner at the Al-Shami restaurant will cost £30.

    The deadline for registration is 25th March 2025. To register, please fill in this form and subsequently visit this link for the registration payment.

    Abstract submission

    The programme consist of talks from both invited speakers and attendees, leaving also time for posters and discussion. The workshop will run between 9 and 5pm on both days.

    While the deadline for talks has passed, abstracts for poster presentations can still be submitted via this online form.

    Travel and accommodation

    For anyone travelling from abroad, Oxford is located about an hour from both Birmingham International Airport (accessible by train) and London Heathrow (via the Airline coach service), as well as by train from London Paddington (takes about an hour). The department is about a 20 min walk from the train station (unfortunately not easily reachable by bus).

    As the workshop will take place outside the university teaching term, many of the Colleges have accommodation available, which can for example be found through the University Rooms website (updated regularly with availability).

    If you have difficulty finding accommodation in Oxford, please get in touch and we will try to help.


Last update: February 2025 | Home