New insights into how the two LLVPs differ published in Scientific Reports
Funded PhD project on the mid mantle open for applications (start date of Oct 2025)
Paper in Science on mysterious seismic signals from Greenland that rang Earth for 9 days
New paper detailing constraints on Vs and Vp in the mantle published in PEPI
Applications for 2024 PhD projects open for the Oxford NERC DTP and CDT - deadline 5th Jan 2023.
EPSL paper on spin transition in ferropericlase and its effect on tomography published online
Paper reconciling the long-standing debate of the LLVP density published in EPSL!
Applications for 2023 PhD projects open for the Oxford DTP - deadline 6th Jan 2023.
First paper by PhD student Federica Restelli about mantle anisotropy published in GJI
Futurum educational article and activity sheet about deep Earth seismology online
Review article on achievements of global seismic data published in Reviews of Geophysics
Postdoctoral Research associate position on imaging mantle upwellings now open for applications
Paula starts at the University of Oxford
Two PhD projects in seismology (1/2) are open for applications (start date of Oct 2022)
Article on CMB Stoneley modes accepted for publication in GJI
Philip Leverhulme Prize 2021 awarded to Paula Koelemeijer
NERC-funded PDRA on imaging mantle upwellings now open for applications
Perspective on Mars' interior published in Science
Article on 3D-printed geophysical globes accepted for publication in Frontiers Earth Science
New article on lower mantle velocity ratios published in GJI
Funded PhD position available in global seismology - see here for details.
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